Committees - meet the team

General chairs

Radko Mesiar

Full Professor at the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia, and long-term member of the Institute for Research and Applications of Fuzzy Modeling at the University of Ostrava, co-founder and co-organizer of FSTA and AGOP events.

Marek Reformat

President of the IFSA Association, full professor at the University of Alberta, Canada.

Martin Štěpnička

President of the EUSFLAT Society, Director of CE IT4Innovations - IRAFM at the University of Ostrava, the Czech Republic, co-organizer of EUSFLAT 2007 and EUSFLAT 2019.

Organizing Chair

Ladislav Šipeky


IFSA-EUSFLAT Programme chairs

Masahiro Inuiguchi


Vladik Kreinovich


AGOP Programme chairs

Bernard De Baets


Marek Gagolewski


IJCRS Programme chairs

Chris Cornelis


Sheela Ramanna


FQAS General chairs

Troels Andreasen


Guy De Tré


Janusz Kacprzyk


FQAS Programme chairs

Gloria Bordogna


Slawomir Zadrozny


Advisory Board

S. Montes


C. Wagner

United Kingdom

J. Kacprzyk


D. Ciucci


J. Montero


G. Pasi


Publication chairs

P. Hurtík

Czech Republic

L. Martínez Lopez


Publicity chairs

H. Bustince


S. Massanet


B. Jayaram


S. Dick


Special session chairs

A. Bronselaer


P. Sussner


O. Hutnik


Grants and awards chairs

C. Marsala


E. Szmidt


V. Novák

Czech Republic

Area chairs

Area 1: Basics of fuzzy set theory: fuzzy relations, generalizations of fuzzy sets, etc.

S. Díaz (Spain) and M. Daňková (Czech Republic)

Area 2: Integral and Measure Theory

A. Rico (France) and L. Halčinová (Slovakia)

Area 3: Algebra, topology, category theory

M. Papčo (Slovakia) and R. Halaš (Czech Republic)

Area 4: Many-valued logics and algebraic structures for reasoning

B. Gerla (Italy) and L. Běhounek (Czech Republic)

Area 5: Generalized quantifiers and natural language modeling

J. Kacprzyk (Poland) and M. Holčapek (Czech Republic)

Area 6: Dynamical modeling: fuzzy dynamical systems and fuzzy differential equations

E. Esmi (Brazil) and J. Kupka (Czech Republic)

Area 7: Uncertainty modeling, fuzzy probability and statistics

I. Couso (Spain) and P. Grzegorzewski (Poland)

Area 8: Rough sets and formal concept analysis

J. Medina (Spain) and M. Ojeda-Aciego (Spain)

Area 9: Fuzzy systems: decision-making, inference systems, preference modeling, optimization

M. Grabisch (France) and B. Jayaram (India)

Area 10: Machine learning and AI

E. Hüllermeier (Germany) and M.-J. Lesot (France)

Area 11: Signal processing: image, video, and speech processing

I. Perfilieva (Czech Republic) and C. López-Molina (Spain)

Area 12: Data analysis: clustering, associations mining, classification

J. Hee Yoon (Korea) and F. Masulli (Italy)

Area 13: Computational Intelligence in Information systems

S. Zadrozny (Poland) and C. Marsala (France)

Area 14: Fuzzy Control

J. M. Escaño (Spain) and G. B. Gharehpetian (Iran)

Area 15: Software and e-applications: eHealth, recommendation systems, etc.

E. Portmann (Switzerland) and J. Serrano (Spain)

Area 16: Engineering applications incl. IoT, environmental modeling, bioscience engineering

R. Kruse (Germany) and. T. Sudkamp (USA)

FQAS Advisory Board

Yazici A. (Turkey)
Kraft D. (USA)
Pasi G. (Italy)
Petry F. (USA)
De Tré G. (Belgium)
Jaudoin H. (France)
Christiansen H. (Denmark)
Larsen H.L. (Denmark)
Kacprzyk J. (Poland)
Cardenosa J. (Spain)
Fischer Nilsson J. (Denmark)
Martin-Bautista M.J. (Spain)
Spyratos N. (France)
Fuhr N. (Germany)
Pivert O. (France)
Chountas P. (UK)
Slowinski R. (Poland)
Yager R.R. (USA)
Zadrozny S. (Poland)
Sotirov S. (Bulgary)
Andreasen T. (Denmark)

Organizing committee

Bacigál T.
Dyba M.
Hůla J.
Kalina M.
Kupka J.
Malina M.
Molek V.
Pavliska V.
Stupňanová A.
Škorupová N.
Štěpničková L.
Vajgl M.

Programme committee

Akbarzadeh-T M.-R. (Iran)
Acampora G. (Italy)
Aguzzoli S. (Italy)
Aliev R. (Azerbaijan)
Allahviranloo T (Turkey)
Alonso J. M. (Spain)
Angelov P. (United Kingdom)
Assmus S. (Latvia)
Atanassov K. T. (Bulgaria)
Baczynski M. (Poland)
Balas V. E. (Romania)
Bargiela A. (UK)
Batyrshin I. (Russia)
Bedregal B. C. (Brazil)
Běhounek L. (Czech Republic)
Beliakov G. (Australia)
Bělohlávek R. (Czech Republic)
Berthold M. (Germany)
Bezdek J. (USA)
Bloch I. (France)
Bobillo F. (Spain)
Borisov V.V. (Russia)
Borkotokey S. (India)
Bouchon-Meunier B. (France)
Bronselaer A. (Belgium)
Burczynski T. (Poland)
Burda M. (Czech Republic)
Bustince H. (Spain)
Cabrera I. P. (Spain)
Calvo T. (Spain)
Carlsson C. (Finland)
Carvalho J. P. (Portugal)
Castellano G. (Italy)
Castillo O. (Mexico)
Ceberio M. (USA)
Chalco-Cano Y. (Chile)
Chen G. Q. (China)
Chen S.-M. (Taiwan)
Cholewa W. (Poland)
Chountas P. (UK)
Ciucci D. (Italy)
Collan M. (Finland)
Colubi A. (Spain)
Cordero P. (Spain)
Cordon O. (Spain)
Cornelis C. (Spain)
D'Aniello G. (Italy)
Daňková M. (Czech Republic)
De Baets B. (Belgium)
De Meyer H. (Belgium)
De Tre G. (Belgium)
De Cock M. (USA)
Di Nola A. (Italy)
Diaz I. (Spain)
Dick S. (Canada)
Dimuro G. (Brazil)
Dubois D. (France)
Durante F. (Italy)
Dvořák A. (Czech Republic)
Ekel P. (Brasil)
Fernandez J. (Spain)
Ferrer J. C. (Spain)
Figueroa-Garcia J. C. (Colombia)
Filev D. (USA)
Flaminio T. (Spain)
Furuhashi T. (Japan)
Gaeta M. (Italy)
Gągolewski M. (Poland)
Garibaldi J. M. (United Kingdom)
Gerla B. (Italy)
Godo L. (Spain)
Gomez-Romero J. (Spain)
Gomide F. (Brazil)
Grabisch M. (France)
Greco S. (Italy)
Grzegorzewski P. (Poland)
Halaš R. (Czech Republic)
Hall L. (USA)
Herrera F. (Spain)
Herrera-Viedma E. (Spain)
Hirota K. (Japan)
Holčapek M. (Czech Republic)
Holeňa M. (Czech Republic)
Homenda W. (Poland)
Honda A. (Japan)
Hudec M. (Slovakia)
Huellermeier E. (Germany)
Hurtik P. (Czech Republic)
Inuiguchi M. (Japan)
Ishibuchi H. (Japan)
James S. (Australia)
Janiš V. (Slovakia)
Jayaram B. (India)
Jin L. (China)
Kacprzyk J. (Poland)
Kahraman C. (Turkey)
Kalina M. (Slovakia)
Kaymak U. (Netherlands)
Keller J. (USA)
Kerre E. (Belgium)
Khastan A. (Iran)
Kim S.S. (Korea)
Klawonn F. (Germany)
Klement E.P. (Austria)
Koczy L. T. (Hungary)
Kolesárová A. (Slovakia)
Konečný J. (Czech Republic)
Kuswadi S. (Indonesia)
Kreinovich V. (United States)
Kruse R. (Germany)
Kupka J. (Czech Republic)
Lee C.-S. (Taiwan)
Leporini R. (Italy)
Li Y. (China)
Li J. (China)
Lin C.-T. (Taiwan)
Linares S. (Spain)
Liu X. (USA)
Lodwick W.A. (USA)
Loia V. (Italy)
Lopez-Molina C. (Spain)
Lu J. (Australia)
Luo M. (China)
Lughofer E. (Austria)
Madrid N. (Spain)
Magdalena L. (Spain)
Marcelloni F. (Italy)
Marsala C. (France)
Martín-Bautista M. J. (Spain)
Martínez L. (Spain)
Massanet S. (Spain)
Medina J. (Spain)
Mendel J. (USA)
Merigo J. (Chile)
Mesiar R. (Slovakia)
Michalíková A. (Slovakia)
Mnasri Z. (Tunisia)
Močkoř J. (Czech Republic)
Moczulski W. (Poland)
Montero J. (Spain)
Montes S. (Spain)
Murinová P. (Czech Republic)
Nakashima T. (Japan)
Navara M. (Czech Republic)
Nguyen H.T. (USA)
Niskanen V. (Finland)
Noguera C. (Czech Republic)
Novák V. (Czech Republic)
Nurmi H. (Finland)
Oh S.-K. (Korea)
Ojeda-Aciego M. (Spain)
Olivas J. A. (Spain)
Ouyang Y. (China)
Pal N.K. (India)
Pal S.R. (India)
Pedrycz W. (Canada)
Perez Fernandez R. (Spain)
Perfilieva I. (Czech Republic)
Petrík M. (Czech Republic)
Petriu E. (Canada)
Petrosino A. (Italy)
Phuong N.-H. (Vietnam)
Pivert O. (France)
Platoš J. (Czech Republic)
Portmann E. (Switzerland)
Prade H. (France)
Pykacz J. (Poland)
Ralescu D. (USA)
Ralescu A. (USA)
Ramík J. (Czech Republic)
Reformat M. (Canada)
Rhee F. C.-H. (Korea)
Robinson A. (Canada)
Romero F. P. (Spain)
Rovetta S. (Italy)
Ruiz M. D. (Spain)
Rusnok P. (Czech Republic)
Sadeghian A. (Canada)
Sanchez D. (Spain)
Seising R. (Germany)
Serrano-Guerrero J. (Spain)
Sessa S. (Italy)
Skowron A. (Poland)
Slezak D. (Poland)
Slowinski R. (Poland)
Snášel V. (Czech Republic)
Sotirov S. (Bulgaria)
Sousa J. (Portugal)
Sozzo S. (UK)
Stefanini L. (Italy)
Straccia U. (Italy)
Stupnanova A. (Slovakia)
Su S.-F. (Taiwan)
Sussner P. (Brazil)
Szmidt E. (Poland)
Šešelja B. (Serbia)
Šostak A. (Latvia)
Štěpnička M. (Czech Republic)
Tao C.-W. (Taiwan)
Takáč Z. (Slovakia)
Tanscheit R. (Brasil)
Tarassov V. (Russia)
Teheux B. (Luxembourg)
Terceno A. (Spain)
Teran L. (Switzerland)
Torra V. (Ireland)
Tsai C.-C. (Taiwan)
Tulupyev A. (Russia)
Vats E. (Sweden)
Verdegay J. L. (Spain)
Verma R. (India)
Vetterlein T. (Austria)
Wang L. (Singapore)
Watada J. (Japan)
Wilbik A. (Netherlands)
Yager R. (USA)
Yamada M. (Japan)
Yao Y. (Canada)
Yarushkina N. G. (Russia)
Ying H. (USA)
Yoon J. H. (South Korea)
Yu F. (China)
Zadrozny S. (Poland)
Zemankova A. (Slovakia)
Zhang G. (Australia)
Zuo H. (Australia)

FQAS Programme committee

The programme committee of the FQAS event may be found on its subpage

IJCRS Programme committee

The programme committee of the IJCRS event may be found on its subpage